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Indian Herb Black Salve
This is a perfectly balanced vitamin and mineral substance which helps to balance the metabolism and mitigate blood disorders. It is a dark, semi-liquid paste. The herbal paste may be taken orally or applied directly to surface tumors, cancers or used as a “preventative/maintenance” health aid. The Indian Herb is not a gentle healer. In most reported cases, it is a relentless substance which hunts down and penetrates all abnormal tissue. Pain, swelling and sometimes fever are associated during its use.
A full complement of vitamins and supplements is often a useful way to nourish your recovery, as well as obtaining enough rest, reducing stress, shifting attitudes toward self-care and eating wholesome, non-refined organic foods. If you refrain from alcohol and caffeine, the body will heal more rapidly because these stimulants destroy B vitamins and wear out the immune system. Try not to drink alcohol while using the Indian Herb. Do not use the Indian Herb if you are doing chemotherapy as it can interfere with the treatment, as Indian Herb has a powerful detox effect. You must be completely off chemotherapy for at least two weeks before using the Indian Herb.
Indian Herb Testimonials
The following are experiences reported by users of the Indian Herb compound and “Mac-Life™” Catalytic Activated Energy Water. Some of these stories are decades old, and the same family is still making these incomparable products.
Ted Pitman of Oklahoma was born with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He would sleep all day and drag all day, people said that he was lazy. His wife was our minister’s daughter 20 years ago and in May she came to us and explained his problem. She wanted to start him on our Mac-Life Water™ and Indian Herb. Several of her neighbors had told her that their allergies had been helped by the treatment. Ted told us in November that he also had ulcers at the time and he had to take a dose of his ulcer medication prior to taking a dose of the Indian Herb. He said that within 1 week his ulcers were helped and that in September he had a blood test and no trace of the fatigue syndrome was found. His statement is, when I get up in the morning I am ready to work. No trace of fatigue after 40 years of suffering.
In 1994, Kathryn Collier of New Mexico wrote her husband was diagnosed with throat cancer in October 1992. He started on the Indian Herb and Mac-Life Water™ and by December 1993 X-rays could not detect any cancer.
In 1987 our minister’s mother was operated on for brain cancer and in 1988 it started to grow again. The doctors told her that all they could do was give her Chemo-pills. The medication upset her stomach so badly that she could not leave the house and she had no control over her kidneys or bowels. At the time she lived in North Carolina and her son, Jim Hollifield was there and called me to ask what they should do. I suggested they start her on Mac-Life™ for 3 days and then begin the Indian Herb. Within 30 days the doctors could find no trace of the cancer. She drove her car from North Carolina to Felt, Oklahoma by herself.
In October, Craig Dunn of New York called and stated that he had seen Lupus helped as well as Leukemia.
Von Keeth came by in 1979 to take a gallon of Mac-Life™ and a vial of the Indian Herb to his brother in Texas who had lung cancer and was given 2-3 months to live. Von said he thought he was not going to be able to get his brother to take them because he was already going around telling everyone goodbye. He did use them and 60 days later went for a checkup and the doctor could find nothing. Louie said he would not tell them what he had done. He tells me that he now takes 21 doses, twice a year and drinks Mac-Life™ all the time. I’ll never get in that condition again, says Louie.
Eight months ago, Joe Ruth was told by his doctor that they had done all they could for lung and liver cancer. He asked if they could operate and remove the infected parts and they said no. A neighbor, who had tried Mac-Life™ and the Indian Herb for their own problems suggested Joe try them. On November 13th Joe called to say that after being on the Mac-Life™ and the Indian Herb he went to his doctor for a checkup and that he was free from cancer.
After having surgery for breast cancer, Dolores Lyke of Albuquerque tried Mac-Life™ and took the Indian Herb twice daily after meals to help balance and clean her system. She says that she felt a great increase in energy within the first 2 days. She has periodic blood work done and it was noted that many areas showed improvement.
In March a lady called from Missouri telling me that her teenage daughter had been diagnosed with incurable cancer. She put her daughter on Mac-Life™ and the Indian Herb and she has now regained her health.
March 1998, I received a letter from Mrs. Vera Thomas that her daughter was told she had 3 months to live, at most. Nineteen years has passed and she is still doing great after taking Mac-Life™ and the Indian Herb.
Carol Mai of Texas wrote to say thanks so much for Mac-Life™ and the Indian Herb. I feel better than I have in ages and have only been on this for 19 days. It has helped my kidneys and I have lost 20 pounds. (I know a lot of it was fluid.) I can’t keep my rings on.
Lois Rolland of Texas had Leukemia and doctors told her it was incurable. She says that when she gets up in the morning, she takes a dose of the Indian Herb and drinks Mac-Life™.
Blood Root (Indian Paint)
Yellow dock
Zinc Chloride
Mac-Life Water
Storage/Handling Of Indian Herb
Keep the Indian Herb in a dark, cool place. Do not refrigerate.
Use only clean wooden or plastic utensils when “dipping into the vial.”
If the Indian Herb dries out, don’t worry. Simply add a little “Life-Line™ Water” and mix well to re-hydrate. The Indian Herb won’t lose its potency.
Keep the container sealed when not in use and the contents will keep quite well.
The following guidelines are offered for the application of “The Indian Herb” in treating various types of cancers, both external and internal and are based on what the majority of users have found so far to be effective. These recommendations describe the absolute MINIMUM doses that people have found to be effective. It cannot be stressed enough – The Indian Herb is very potent. Do not assume that if a little works, more will be better. USE THE SMALLEST DOSE POSSIBLE, and increase only if it truly seems necessary to you, otherwise you will endure far more pain than necessary, and extend the healing period much longer than necessary.
Treating Surface (External) Tumors/Cancers
This is how people have used The Indian Herb on external growths:
Clean the area of abnormal growth well. If treating skin cancer or external tumors, mix a small amount with a dab of petroleum jelly or other "un-petroleum" jelly (Recipe: 1 oz. beeswax, 1 cup organic oil, do not use canola or soy). Cover the area of the cancer/tumor with this preparation. This may sting or burn initially, and/or for a period of time. An alternative treatment is to cover the area with a coat of jelly and place a single dot of Indian Herb in the middle of the affected area. Cover with a loose bandage for 8-12 hours. The area will begin to burn and redden. After 8-12 hours has passed, remove the bandage and wash the Indian Herb application from the skin and apply another thin layer of the mixture; cover with a clean bandage. The application area will become very red and irritated. The redness may extend 1/2 to 1 inch from the area that you treated. You may see “streaks” similar to blood poisoning. Don’t become alarmed, it is not blood poisoning. The Indian Herb is tracing out the infected area and drawing the poison back into the nucleus. It will make a hard core, similar to the core of a boil – hard and rubbery. The redness will diminish and a white ring will begin to appear around the nucleus. It will look similar to a pus-pocket, but it is not. Between the fifth and seventh day, a white ring will start to separate from the healthy tissue and become very loose.
Usually after the second application the growth itself is dead. The growth will become more painful as the body begins to eject its dying tissue. Swelling often occurs. The growth can swell up to twice its normal size while the area may experience minimal swelling. The growth may lighten in color after the first day and then re-darken slightly or become “dead white.”
The core will not come out unless the whole mole or cancer is dead and detached from the healthy tissue. Then and only then will it come out intact. There will be no need for surgery. Wash out the cavity with hydrogen peroxide and examine the pink tissue. You will see small holes where the root system came out. Keep the cavity filled with jelly and covered with a loose bandage.
More than two applications do not seem necessary as more applications cause increased pain and longer healing time. Continue with the petroleum or other jelly through the healing process.
There may be a low or medium grade fever; the growth and the area around the growth may swell; the growth may be painful and tender and, on occasion, pus may form under and around the growth as the body pushes it away. It is essential to keep the affected area covered with new, clean and daily applications of jelly and clean bandages. For most people, in about 10 days the body completely pushes out the dead growth and the fever disappears. Resist the temptation to pick at the dead tissue or to hasten its separation. Let the body do it. Otherwise the growth may come back in the same spot.
During the next 10 days, or as long as it takes, the body will fill in the cavity with either healthy tissue or scar tissue, depending on the individual’s body chemistry and health. Continue washing the area well each day and re-apply a thin layer of jelly and cover with a clean bandage. Tenderness may be present in the area up to 6 months; although for most people, by the 20th day mark, the cavity is completely re-grown with non-mole or non-cancerous tissue. During the first month, it is wise to assist the body’s healing process with other means. This may include drinking a catalyst-altered water like Mac-Life™ which normalizes cells. These waters assist cells to expel toxins and take in nutrients more efficiently throughout the body.
In many cases of removing external growths and cancers, people report that even though large masses of tissue was ejected from the body, even to the point of revealing the muscle structure below, bleeding did not occur and the body completely filled in the area where the growth had been. During the ejection and re-growth phase, it is essential to keep the area clean and sealed with un-petroleum jelly.
If you don’t have access to measuring devices or scales, use the following “eye-ball” method. A light dose (.12g) would look about the size of a wooden kitchen match-head or a little less than one half of a dried English pea in volume. A heavy dose (.15g) would be about the same size as a whole English pea. When in doubt, start small and increase the dosage as needed.
The most common method of taking Indian Herb is by mouth. #4 gel-caps work well and can be found online or at your local pharmacy or health food store. Pull the capsule apart and insert the suggested dosage into the small end of the capsule. You may or may not need to reassemble the capsule, depending on your personal preference.
If you ingest the Indian Herb on an empty stomach, it is almost guaranteed to cause a stomach ache and severe nausea. Either “wrap” the dose in a small piece of bread or take the Indian Herb after eating.
The Indian Herb and Mac-Life Water™ benefits have long been documented, and the formulas have been used successfully for many decades to combat everything from fatigue to brain cancer. The Indian Herb formula was first created over 100 years ago. Keep in mind that there are no absolute guarantees that each person will benefit exactly as another has benefited. When dealing with sickness of any kind it pays to look beyond the obvious symptoms to the underlying causes. This program can greatly benefit your body’s immune system and help restore the balance needed to fight against everyday stress and prevent illness from exposure to viruses.
Health Maintenance or Preventative Measure
Take one dose a day for 3-5 days to help strengthen your immune system. Use when the flu or a virus is going around.
Do Not Use This Formula If You Have Kidney, Liver or Chronic Disease.
After many years of assisting numerous individuals using this incredibly healing formula, PainBomb was forced to remove Indian Herb Black Salve from its website in an attempt to restore the ability to process card payments following a 7-year ban. This decision was necessitated by the recent loss of Amazon Pay and Wave Electronic Invoicing services, our last resorts for accepting credit cards, & Amazon even had the audacity to keep almost $140, with no option for recovery. The closure of these two accounts marks the 19th termination of payment options due to our association with CBD and Indian Herb Black Salve, combined with our refusal to remove information on ingredients, study links, and other health and governmental policy information (See FDA's Threat To You page). The rules the FDA uses to prevent educated consumers from making informed choices were written by lobbyist for big pharma and famous spirit-cooking satanist, Tony Podesta. Further details on this issue will be available on subsequent pages of this site, time permitting. We will also be transferring copious amounts of information back to this site, which will take time.
Currently, we are only able to accept payments via Zelle, Venmo, and checks. If you wish to place an order, please do so via email or phone:,(970) 317-0234. Thank you in advance for your patience through this process.